Monday, August 23, 2010

Video (short documentary) & patterns...

From the short field trip that we did form 22-25 july 2010. I managed to capture some videos and I will try to edit it into a short documentary...

will work it on ADOBE PREMIERE....

went to the orang asli museum again... this time to get a closer look at their decorative patterns...

and it can be concluded that their patterns are very similar to each other and uses repetition a lot.

project update - Content

Interactive Application Content


there will be an introduction page where the application will have a brief introduction on who is orang asli.

the page will have some text, images and some audio(background music, ambiance, and narrator... TBC)

a skip button will be available.


From the introduction page, it automatically brings the viewer to the home page or the main page of the application.

From here, there will be several pages that can be choose:



In this page, the full history of the orang asli mainly from the Jahai nad Temiar will be explained. Might be supported by an audio narration.


This page will briefly show the latest update on the orang asli demography in Malaysia(peninsular)


Photos gathered from the research.


Videos and short documentary on orang asli in Belum.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Updated Proposal


The Life of "Orang Asli"


The aim of this application is to tell the story of how the "Orang Asli" community live in the modern world nowadays.

Target Audience

The application are for a general view


-Visual Data gathering
-Audio Data gathering
-First hand experience


- the application will be a valuable source of information about "Orang Asli"
- educating the future generation of Malaysian


Week 3-5
Proposal submission and application concept

Week 5-7
Project planning and research

Week 7-8
Extended research (field research)

Week 8-13
Developing the application

Week 14
Project Submission

Monday, August 16, 2010

Field Trip

Location: Belum Forest, Gerik, Perak.
Date: 23-25 July 2010

This trip is about gathering information about native people or orang asli in Malaysia. Visual data, interviews, specimen, experience and etc.

Here are some visual data that I got from this field research.

The Great Nature

These are some of the photos of the native people from Jahai and Temiar clan.

The House

The tools, Craft and Plantation

school.. even though the infrastructure and environment are modern, some of the children are still walking around without any slippers or shoes..

Other photos